There are 15 basic field types and 8 advanced field types.
📄️ Single Line Text
In the field of Single line text, only one line of text is allowed to be typed in each cell, which means you are not able to wrap the text in this type of field.
📄️ Long Text
If you set the field as a Long text type, you can enter multiple lines of text in each cell.In many scenarios, it is necessary to use long text to display structured or tabulated information. For example:
📄️ Select and Multi-select
Using "Select" and "Multi-select" can not only improve the readability of content but also facilitate data analysis.
📄️ Number
Number is a field type that is used to store numbers for visualization or computation.
📄️ Currency
"Currency" is one of the field types. If you need to store numbers with currency format, "Currency" is a good choice.
📄️ Percent
"Percent" field is used to hold numerical values that are formatted as percents. It can be used for computation as well.
📄️ Date
"Date" is a field type that is ideal for storing date and optionally time data.
📄️ Attachment
"Attachment" is a type of field. When you need to store and preview files in the datasheet, "Attachment" is an ideal field type.
📄️ Cascader
In our daily work life, we often encounter scenarios where we need to select from a set of associated data collections, such as selecting the associated state and city, company organization structure, item classification, etc.
📄️ Member
"Member" field is a field type used to reference the collaborators in the space for the records. You can select one or more collaborators' names from a dropdown list in member field cells.
📄️ Checkbox
"Checkbox" is a field type, which is usually used to determine true/false values within a record.
📄️ Rating
📄️ URL
A "URL" field is used to store URLs. You can quickly access URLs by clicking the URLs in the cells.
📄️ WorkDoc
"WorkDoc" is AITable's latest innovative field type that delivers efficient and seamless document creation.
📄️ Phone
"Phone" is a field type that formats numbers in the cells as a phone number.
An email field is useful for storing a single valid email address.
🗃️ One-way Link & Two-way Link
2 items
📄️ Lookup
📄️ Autonumber
An autonumber field automatically generates a unique and automatically incremented number for each record.Autonumber field is very helpful when you need to use a unique identifier to mark each record.
📄️ Created Time
📄️ Last Edited Time
"Last edited time" is a field type, which shows the most recent date and time (optional) that a record was edited by a space member.
📄️ Created By
📄️ Last Edited By
When you'd like to know which collaborator made the most recent change(s) to a record, or filled in a row of record, you can use "Last edited by" field.
📄️ Button